These tools have helped me break through the blockages I didn’t even realise I had but they were sabotaging me in my relationships and with my business. I am so excited about the future.


I can be very stubborn and sceptical, yet I truly wanted to achieve a result quickly….the depth of this special work truly questions your way of thinking, but boy does it work! I’m so much more balanced; more certain and strong in my beliefs and actions…. This amazing facilitation has made a remarkable difference to my wellbeing and there is greater ease in me releasing and resolving issues that continues.

Probably the biggest change is the way in which I no longer doubt myself; I have the confidence to do anything that I choose to do. I have made some huge “leaps and bounds” in my life now – a beautiful family, a new well-paying career and a lust for life that was lacking before. I whole-heartedly would recommend anybody who wants to get more out of their life…..

Dream job, new way life are just some of the advantages…I feel like I am in the best position I’ve ever been in…..I am so much more in-tune and aware …..the tools help me to stay centred, dig deep and to ‘feel’ what is going on and address any issues from an empowered place. I really enjoy feeling more ‘connected’, and I’m excited about continuing to grow in this way.

I’m more focused, enjoy the present and love being me. The world will never be the same! My “blind spots” that held me back have gone; I see things differently; in a way that now works so much better for me….I’m more connected with my inner “self” aka “soul”.

I had done almost every personal development course under the sun, but was still stuck. However over the past year I have used the techniques and tools provided and it’s been amazingly beneficial personally and from a career and business perspective.

These tools work from a whole different paradigm so they effectively address and master life and business situations. The effect on my life has been transformational; I no longer live in the past or revert to old habits that undermine my success. I continue benefit from the work on a daily basis. On a personal level it’s given me profound insight into the hidden self sabotages that were inhibiting my life and preventing me from moving forward. On a business level I now have the confidence to develop my business further than I would have dreamed possible.

Family and friends have noticed an amazing change in me and have frequently asked what I have done to cause such a positive shift. Considering the path I was on, I would hate to think of where I would have ended up. I find it has helped me to deal with and address situations/problems that arise with greater awareness; I navigate life’s challenges with ease. I’m a person who’s always seeking more out of life. These tools have allowed me to access and experience what before I could only have dreamt about. I would highly recommend this work to anyone and frequently do.

Thank you for allowing the certainty to return back into my life. As a fellow business owner, with international and domestic responsibilities, it is vital that I have the ability of certainty in my life. This special work has empowered me. Before I was blocked, and challenged on a daily basis; I’ve removed my blocks over a very short in period of time, it’s given me the freedom of recapturing my focus, and decision making abilities.

My work with Christine has helped me heal relationships; empower me to take responsibility for all my decisions (both past and present) and to finally embrace doing what I love in a career that is more in line with my purpose and spirit with greater success. The unique approach accurately honed in on what was stopping me moving forward – I’ve taken my life to a whole new level. If given the opportunity, do not hesitate for a second to jump in and gain help with these tools – there is nothing like them available out there!