Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation.
These 30-Day ACTIVATIONS are “The Fundamental Gems” that’ll build a solid foundation; they’re your spring-board that propels you forward; they can enrich your life and business experience from the ground up.
The power of the collective is an amazing thing that’s why we stay connected on our private FB page. We journey together and I provide lots of inspiration and insight to keep you and the other Luminous Leaders on track.
These empowering, intimate gatherings have evolved dramatically over the years that I’ve ran them and the potent teachings they contain are an important part of my life’s work.
What’s awesome about that is you now get the full advantage of receiving the WEALTH OF LEARNINGSandEXPERTISE I’ve gained working with my amazing community over all those years.
PLUS I’ve developed the format in an extra special way that hones into unearthing “exactly” what you need relevant to YOUR personal journey each month.
You’re NOW in the right place to reap all these benefits –
It’s been a rewarding project to tailor these life changing teachings in a way that you have access without being costly or time consuming. Each month the 2 Interactive Virtual Get-Togethers are packed full of enlightening insight and facilitation.
PLUS, you’ll leverage off the emotive and mindset shifts you experience by accessing your 24/7 Private On-Line Portal that contains all the tools and processes designed specifically for each topic for the month to ensure you continue to elevate and progress. They’ll keep you motivated and inspired and accelerate results + so much more.
I have to be honest – each year they get BETTER and BETTER, so it’s not unusual for past participants to repeat them.
They come back for more because each time their shifts go deeper and they just keep getting extra-ordinary benefit with –
Beautiful personal flow
Holistic Wealth creation
Harmonious relationships
Exceptional wellbeing
Increased intuition and
Greater connection to their true power
All these wonderful outcomes seem to miraculously infiltrate into their personal and business lives.
Participants say “it feels sooo great to be able to connect regularly with me and everyone”…
….”the calibre of the ACTIVATION work provides a “constant solid foundation to spring from for life enhancement and business acceleration”
Oh and just for the record, ACTIVATION get-togethers are recorded so you never miss a thing. You’ll be able to continue benefiting at your convenience whenever you want.
When you join me this month you’ll get all the below goodies… “I know, it’s crazy but true”
Click + icon links below to discover what you get.
You’ll gain an enlightened perspective around how to give yourself more TIME, WEALTH, LOVE and HEALTH.
PLUS learn simple life changing concepts and techniques that make a massive difference to creating the life and business of your dreams.
You’ll access effective tools that integrate healthy and smart behaviours to enhance your PERSONAL POWER.
Each process upgrades you out of a limited frame of reference that has kept you stuck so you organically live out these new-found insights in your everyday life.
They’re also recorded so you can be facilitated at your convenience as often as you like.
We “iron out” new or past challenges that are still affecting you; delve deeper and BUILD MOMENTUM to ensure the CLARITY, FLOW and EMPOWERMENT you’ve been experiencing continues.
And of course, they’re recorded as well so you’ll continue to benefit.
Receive continuous support whenever you want from me and a bunch of other awesome KINDRED SPIRITS.
Puts a spring in your step; keeps you FOCUSED, MOTIVATED and RESILIENT. You’ll avoid the roller coaster ride or one step forward 2 steps back scenario. Yay!
There’s a specific Mastery Essence formulated for each Activation topic and they’re shipped direct to you at no additional cost.
One important point to be aware of is to NOT PRESUME or ASSUME what’s the most relevant ACTIVATION for you.
Over the years participants have often thought a particular ACTIVATION’S topic wasn’t a priority for them.
However it’s been proven time and time again that what they cognitively thought was the least relevant for them has been the most impactful, and has often given the greatest positive shift towards the outcomes they desire.
So it’s a good idea not to discount any of the topics; they all provide a far reaching ripple effect with your life and business transformation.
“Each one provides an essential MISSING LINK, that’s why participating consistently is a great effective strategy.”